LT Anich, LT Kacher, LTJG Grabe, ENS Boersma, ENS Brady, LTJG Gossen, OSCS Cooper, BTC Roddenberry and RMCS Owen are standing by as the Shellback Mess Attendants/(Gentle) Wakeup Team. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k | |
CWO3 Osterfeld, ENS Carambia and LT Fasio - Part of the sideboy party for The Royal Party. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 21k | |
Shellbacks FTM1 Hahs and FTM2 Gonzales are caught off-guard the night before crossing the line. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 16k | |
LT Derry gets his Wog breakfast. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k | |
All the Wogs are cornered on the Foc'sle. Contributed by Tom Bateman. | |
Wogs file their way to their fate. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 23k | |
Wogs file their way to their fate. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 21k | |
LCDR (now VADM) Green is placed in the stocks by RM1 Mike Fink. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 26k | |
Unworthy pollywogs appear before ETCS Huddleston, the Royal Judge, and the Royal Court. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k | |
LCDR (now VADM) Green kisses the Royal Baby's (FTGC Ibarra) belly. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 29k | |
ENS Carambia pays hommage to the Royal Baby (FTGC Ibarra). Contributed by Tom Bateman. 24k | |
Another wog enters the "Coffin". Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k | |
SH2 Gagner persuades MS3 Sigrist to stop laying about and move on to the next punishment. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 30k | |
Another filthy wog emerges from the "Coffin". Contributed by Tom Bateman. 23k | |
RM1 Mike Fink and another trusty Shellback administer The Final Cleansing - A Shellback at last. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 30k |
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