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Contributed by Tom Bateman. LT Anich, LT Kacher, LTJG Grabe, ENS Boersma, ENS Brady, LTJG Gossen, OSCS Cooper, BTC Roddenberry and RMCS Owen are standing by as the Shellback Mess Attendants/(Gentle) Wakeup Team. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. CWO3 Osterfeld, ENS Carambia and LT Fasio - Part of the sideboy party for The Royal Party. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 21k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. Shellbacks FTM1 Hahs and FTM2 Gonzales are caught off-guard the night before crossing the line. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 16k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. LT Derry gets his Wog breakfast. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. All the Wogs are cornered on the Foc'sle. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 
Contributed by Tom Bateman. Wogs file their way to their fate. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 23k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. Wogs file their way to their fate. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 21k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. LCDR (now VADM) Green is placed in the stocks by RM1 Mike Fink. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 26k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. Unworthy pollywogs appear before ETCS Huddleston, the Royal Judge, and the Royal Court. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. LCDR (now VADM) Green kisses the Royal Baby's (FTGC Ibarra) belly. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 29k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. ENS Carambia pays hommage to the Royal Baby (FTGC Ibarra). Contributed by Tom Bateman. 24k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. Another wog enters the "Coffin". Contributed by Tom Bateman. 27k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. SH2 Gagner persuades MS3 Sigrist to stop laying about and move on to the next punishment. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 30k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. Another filthy wog emerges from the "Coffin". Contributed by Tom Bateman. 23k
Contributed by Tom Bateman. RM1 Mike Fink and another trusty Shellback administer The Final Cleansing - A Shellback at last. Contributed by Tom Bateman. 30k

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Copyright 1997 - 2022 Tom Bateman
This page was last updated on 08/15/2007 .