Vice Admiral Kalleres is the former President and CEO of Global Associates, Ltd., Technology Services Group (TSG), a premier engineering, analysis, wargaming and professional services company with headquarters in Falls Church, VA. Under his leadership, Global (TSG) was a recipient of the Washington Business Journal ?Fast Track 98 Award? as #19 of the 50 fastest growing companies (in DC, VA. and MD.) with a growth rate of 239% over 3 years (AOL was rated #2). More recently, he has become President of Dare to Excel Inc. (DTE), a business/ financial planning and consulting firm for government-associated corporations. DTE also provides lectures regarding Force Protection and anti -terrorism regarding maritime and port operations.
Admiral Kalleres retired from active duty after 32 plus years as a naval officer. He led eight military/civilian commands as a naval officer. During his tenure as Commander, US Second Fleet in the Atlantic /NATO Striking Fleet he commanded over 300,000 Navy, Marine, Army and Air Force forces of 10 countries, 300-400 ships and 4-6000 aircraft during Operation Desert Storm and other US and NATO activities. He was awarded the Defense Distinguished Service Medal (DDSM) (second to the Congressional Medal of Honor) for his execution of this command. Admiral Kalleres also commanded two Naval Planning and Financial Management Directorates and the US Navy Personnel Policy Directorate. He successfully led the development of US NAVY budgets, up to $100 billion per year over several years. Admiral Kalleres? last Navy assignment was as Commander Military Sealift Command an organization of over 8000 people. He successfully operated nearly 150 maritime vessels and 27offices, worldwide with a $4 Billion per year operating budget and a $3 billion shipbuilding plan. He designed a major re-engineering of the entire organization despite a 25% increase in worldwide tasking including humanitarian ship operations in Somalia, Russia, Bosnia, and Haiti. Additionally, and for the first time, the command earned $400 million per year. During the latter operations, the tasking of port security, force protection and counter- terrorism were added to ensure secure and successful business operations as well as allowing overall port operations. For these accomplishments he was awarded an almost unprecedented second DDSM medal.
Admiral Kalleres was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management and Engineering from the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, and a Master of Science degree in Political and International Affairs from George Washington University. He was awarded 18 personal/unit military/combat decorations including the Defense Distinguished Service Medal (2 awards) and the US Navy Distinguished Service Medal and 5 Legions of Merit. He is also a Distinguished Graduate of the US Naval War College and a graduate of the National War College.
Admiral Kalleres is on call as a consultant member of the Defense Science Board; the Naval Studies Board of the National Academy of Science and several private sector boards for Port Security and Counter Terrorism. He is a senior member the Dean?s Advisory Council at the Krannert School of Management, Purdue University and the National Advisory Board of the Salvation Army as deputy director for Disaster Relief. Additionally, Admiral Kalleres was awarded the AXIOS Military man of the year award (1987), the St. Andrew?s medal for Christian and Public service (1988). He was presented the Purdue ?Old Masters? Man of the Year Award in (1991) and was inducted into the Purdue Hall of Fame (2000). More recently, he was awarded the University of Florida Distinguished Public Service Award (2000). He is a Board member of a non- petroleum power generation firm, Blacklightpower Inc. He was also elected as the Senior Advisor for Disaster and Security services for the National and local Salvation Army Advisory Boards and is currently serving on the Jacksonville, Super Bowl 2005 planning committee. Admiral Kalleres was awarded the Congressional, Ellis Island 2001 Medal of Honor for his public and military service. In Jacksonville he has been acting as the military and international security on screen consultant/analyst for the local NBC and ABC TV affiliates, in June 2002 he was elected to the board of directors of technology based waste management firm. AHEPA FREEDOM MEDAL.
Admiral Kalleres and his wife Cookie (Georgine) are currently residing in Jacksonville, Florida.
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This page was last updated on 12/18/05.