The Secretary of the Navy has recently announced his decision to name three new Arliegh Burke-Class guided missile destroyers (DDG) to honor Navy and Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipients. The first of these will be the USS LASSEN (DDG-82), honoring CDP Clyde Everett Lassen (1942-1994), a Medal of Honor recipient for his courageous rescue of two downed aviators in Vietnam. The citation accompanying his award reads as follows:
Lieutenant, United States Navy
Helicopter Squadron 7, Detachment 104
Embarked in USS PREBLE, Republic of Vietnam
16 June 1968
CITATION: "For conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as pilot and
aircraft commander of a search and rescue helicopter, attached to Helicopter Support
Squadron 7, during operations against enemy forces in North Vietnam. Launched shortly
after midnight to attempt the rescue of 2 downed aviators. Lt. (then Lt.(jg.)) Lassen
skillfully piloted his aircraft over unknown and hostile terrain to a steep, tree-covered
hill on which the survivors had been located. Although enemy fire was being directed at
the helicopter, he initially landed in a clear area near the base of the hill, but, due to
the dense undergrowth, the survivors could not reach the helicopter. With the aid of flare
illumination, Lt. Lassen successfully accomplished a hover between 2 trees at the
survivors' position. Illumination was abruptly lost as the last of the flares were
expended, and the helicopter collided with a tree, commencing a sharp descent. Expertly
righting his aircraft and maneuvering clear, Lt. Lassen remained in the area, determined
to make another rescue attempt, and encouraged the downed aviators while awaiting
resumption of flare illumination. After another unsuccessful, illuminated rescue attempt.
and with his fuel dangerously low and his aircraft significantly damaged, he launched
again and commenced another approach in the face of the continuing enemy opposition. When
flare illumination was again lost, Lt. Lassen, fully aware of the dangers in clearly
revealing his position to the enemy, turned on his landing lights and completed the
landing. On this attempt, the survivors were able to make their way to the helicopter. In
route to the coast he encountered and successfully evaded additional hostile antiaircraft
fire and, with fuel for only minutes of flight remaining, landed safely aboard USS Jouett (DLG-29). Lt. Lassen's extraordinary heroism at the risk of his life, above and
beyond the call of duty, are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military
service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Navy."
The medal was officially presented 16 January 1969.
It is a sad duty to report the passing of several fine Preble shipmates over the past couple of years...In alphabetical order:
Edward L. Gosnell (NCCS-Staff, 1971-1974). Of natural causes 2/18/98. Ed is survived by his widow Jennie of Mill Creek, WA.
John C. Gray (CSCS, 1961-1963). Of natural causes 7/25/98. John is survived by his widow Taeko of Long Beach, CA and four adult children.
Wilbur E. (Bill) Hoffuann (ENS(SC), 1960-1961) of natural causes December 1997. Bill is survived by his widow Joan of Fort Wayne, IN.
Robert E~ Nolan (BMC, 1970/1973) During pre-surgery procedure 12/11/96. Bob is survived by his widow Mary of Westminster, CA.
Henry R. (Pete) Pedneault (LCDR, 1959-1963) Our first Executive Officer, of natural causes 2/14/98. Pete is survived by his widow Billie of Springfield, MO.
Your Preble Reunion Association contacts for 1998/1999
National Coordinator Eugene A. Wamsley 969 SR 28, lot 6 Milford, OH 45150-5902 (513) 248-4026 |
Preble Yell Editor Bill Calhoun P.O. Box 73 Indianola, WA 98342 (360) 297-2396 |
1999 Reunion Host Michael T. Bohannon 9454 Litzsinger Road St. Louis, MO 63144-2114 (314) 961-6461 |
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