If you are not renting an automobile, we recommend Shuttle Express. Simply call their dispatch at 425-981-7000 from the information kiosk in airport baggage claim. Cost is $21.00 for the first guest, $3.00 for the second.
Taxis are available at baggage claim. They will charge about $30.00.
From SeaTac Airport, follow signs to Interstate 5 and proceed into downtown Seattle. From Interstate 5, take the Mercer Street exit (Exit #167). The Mercer St. exit is a left turn off the freeway so cars coming into Seattle from the South will need to be in the middle lane until they see the exit sign.
At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn right onto Fairview, then immediately left at the next signal (Broad St.). Stay on Broad St., in the left lane and turn left on Taylor St. Hotel is on the left.
If you plan on bringing an RV to Seattle for your overnight accommodations you will need to consult your RV park guide for a suitable place to park outside the city. If driving a motor-home, you will need a suitable get-around vehicle. You don't even want to think about the difficulties involved in finding a place to park a large unit near the hotel.
The key to location is to find a suitable overnight parking facility handy to Interstate 5 (either North or South of the city.) If you are approaching Seattle from the East, then you will want to be handy to Interstate 90. Interstate 90 terminates in Interstate 5 South of the hotel.
Due to the time of year, it may be prudent for you to make advance reservations at the RV park of your choice.
Your Preble Reunion Association contacts for 2001
National Coordinator Eugene A. Wamsley 969 SR 28, Lot 6 Milford, OH 45150 (513) 248-4026 |
Preble Yell Editor Bill Calhoun P.O. Box 73 Indianola, WA 98342 (360) 297-2396 |
2001 Reunion Host Gregg Nelson 5516 NE 183rd St. Kenmore, WA 98028 (425)( 485-7765 |
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