Skinner, Walter, FA / CDR, DD 345/DM 20 1936/1938 Unknown, Enlisted at age 15 1/2

Preble Sailors

Akins , Henry EM!, DLG 15 1965/1966  unknown
Gardelli, Benjamin, Unknown, deceased 11 / 98

1960 Plank owners

Jalacki, Benjamin; MMC; deceased 1992
Lindner, Richard; MM3/MM2; 1960/1961 deceased 4 / 01
Scott, Jr. Gerald; SH3; 1960/1964 deceased 6 / 01
Smith, Russell; RD3/RD2; 1960/1961 dec. 3 /01 Built 1/8 scale radio controlled model of Preble DLG 15
Whalen, Joseph, FTL3/FTL2 1960/1961 deceased 3 / 01
Whittleton, Norman, SM1 1960/1961 unknown

1970 Plank owner

Egan , Lea BM1/BMCS 1970/1973 deceased 7 / 96
Weir, Frank, Passed away 4/24/01

Tom Gleason has a request for the "YELL" He has Digital pictures of the christening of DDG 88 and wants to know if any one wants copies can contact at:  Gleason30.@jumo com.

Seattle Reunion Report

Our 4th biennial reunion was held June 22-24, 2001 at the Best Western Executive Inn in downtown Seattle.  There were 51 Preble sailors in attendance, spanning the years 1960-1982, as well as 28 guests.  Our hospitality room had coffee and pastries each morning, hors d?oeuvres,  cocktails and soft drinks in the late afternoon.  This room provided an opportunity to renew old friendships and make new ones.  Sea Stories were liberally swapped.  Numerous cruise books, videos, pictures, magazine and newspaper articles about the Preble were available to peruse. 

The Preble Reunion Association provided a 3 hour guided Grayline bus tour for each attendee on Saturday.  A local restaurant guide was prepared, and brochures were available on places to see in the area.  Our close proximity to the Seattle Center with its entertainment venues and food circus were a big hit.

The christening of the new USS PREBLE (DDG-88) was held earlier in June at Pascagoula, MS and Tom Gleason one of our attendees had taken pictures of the event.  RADM Kenneth Haynes, USN (Ret.) (CO 1967-1968) also was at the event but was unable to attend the reunion.  He sent us a number of Christening brochures, which were passed out to the attendees.  It contained details of the new ship, a short history of the five previous PREBLE?s, as well as a small medallion to document the event.


Emceed by our Reunion Host, Gregg Nelson, the Sunday evening banquet buffet was a success.  Tributes were given by Wally Brown and Lex Boswell to highlight the numerous contributions made to the Preble Association and our Country by William (Bill) Calhoun one of the Association founders and ?PREBLE YELL? editor.  Bill died this past April. To honor him we had his wife Mardy and her daughter in attendance.  His humor and organizational abilities will be remembered. 

 Our keynote speaker, CAPT Charles Seeger, USN (Ret.) plankowner and Preble?s first Weapons Officer provided us a review of her voyage from Bath, Maine to her homeport in San Diego.  In addition, he

discussed the history and tradition of what it means to be a Preble sailor.  Entertainment was provide by a Barbershop Quartet between dinner and dessert and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Business Meeting

A short meeting was held on Saturday afternoon to discuss the site of the next reunion.  It is our understanding from information we received that the Navy has decided to homeport USS PREBLE (DDG ?88) in San Diego.  Based upon this information, it was our conclusion to hold our next reunion where we can tour the ship.  Thus, we will try and schedule it during or around the commissioning, which is not expected until 2002.  More later as details develop. 

Preble Website:

If you have not been to our website you are missing out on significant information about our ship including; history, photo gallery (with pictures of our last reunion), email addresses of over 400 shipmates, etc.  Tom Bateman (78-82) maintains this site, which has won numerous awards for quality and content.  To get your email address listed contact Gene Wamsley email: of the Preble Reunion Association or go to webmaster on the Preble site and give it to Tom.  They exchange information.

Reunion Association Dues

Have you paid your $10/year dues?  We hope you feel able to contribute this amount annually towards the paying of supplies, mailing costs, and a small amount towards reunion expenses to keep our Association afloat.  Checks should be made payable to Preble Reunion Association and mailed to Eugene Wamsley 969 SR 28, Lot 6 Milford, OH 45150-5902.

Reunion Attendees 2001 Seattle, Washington


            Name                                      Ship                 Dates                          Home Port

(4) Charles Arnold                             15/46               72-75                           San Diego, CA
(4) Larry Baasch                                15                    66-69                           Omaha, NE
(1) Bart Bobbitt                                   15                    60-63                           Loveland, CO
(4) Lex Boswell                                   15                    60-63                           Lakeside, CA
(4) Robert Brizendine                         15                    60-62                           Zellienople. PA
(1) Mark Brown                                    15                    65-67                           Fremont, CA
(4) Wallace Brown                              15                    60-62                           Orange, CA
(1) James Byrd                                   15                    65-67                           Winlock, WA
(1) Jan Clancy                                     15/46               74-75                           Evansville, IN
(1) Carrick Cochran                            15                    64-68                           Gaitherburg, MD
(2) Carter Cummings                          15/46               72-75                           Queen Creek, AZ
(2) Marion (Bud) Davis                        15                    63-64                           Montesano. WA
(3) Loren Dixon                                     15                    69-74                           Alexandria, VA
(4) John Evans                                      15                    60-61                           Sparta, WI
(3) Tom Fahsbender                            15                    60-62                           Mansfield, PA  
(4) Dennis Ferguson                            15/46               72-75                           Clayton, CA
(3) Tom Gleason                                  15                    72-75                           Winter Park, FL
(1) Dennis Griffiths                                15                    60-61                           Forest Grove, OR
(3) Dan Hildenbrand                             15                    60-63                           Colorado Springs, CO

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