From the desk of Gene Wamsley
New E Mail Address < >
Hello Shipmates:
Reunion time is upon us once again. Join us and have a ball in Las Vegas.
First, to all of our DDG-46 Shipmates, I tried to get a letter by Email to most of you (those of you who do not have EMail, the letter is included in the Newsletter) asking the question WHY DON'T MORE DDG-46 SHIPMATES ATTEND OUR REUNIONS? I have received some responses with a lot of good valid reasons why they don?t and can agree with them 100%. The biggest one answer, I have kids in school and can't come after school starts. Second is I never got the word. Third they are never in my area.
We can hold the reunions any time; the fall is the cheapest time of the year in most places. Put your thinking caps on and send me your ideas. "They are your reunions"
I would like to have a reunion on the Central East Coast Virginia Beach / Norfolk. We do need Reunion Hosts to get things set up.
Now to all hands:
Please keep your Email addresses current if you have Email, also your Mailing Address. For those of you who do not have EMail, send me a note by USPS. You can send a 3 X 6 picture post card for 23?. Just make it a nice picture.
I have 142 names with invalid Email addresses. These are the ones I don?t have Mailing Addresses for. I had 14 with addresses and I sent them 3 x 5 cards, I got 2 back with bad addresses and one with an updated address.
I hate to harp on supporting the Reunion with your $10.00 yearly dues. It is my goal one day, for the Reunion Association to pay for the Banquet itself. That?s about $6,000.00. Your dues help support the Web Site, buy paper for the Newsletter (about 400 copies), Stamps, and ink for printing. I/We keep two sets of Ink Cartridges 1 for the Reunion Assoc. and one for personal use. When you print a Newsletter cartridges go fast. Both B&W and Color. At one time we had the Newsletter done by a commercial printer, now we do our own printing.
The Reunion Program is still done by a commercial printer. Heavier paper and better color. The Editor and I each have 2 sided printers. The Editor writes the Newsletter and E mails me a copy and I print for distribution. The Editor sends out the E mail copies of the Newsletter.
We have been working the past 2 years on making it an easier task. We have made progress but it still takes Money. I bought a new Computer (My wife?s money) with a lot of new software installed to help out also.
Well guys, bring your wives to Las Vegas and let them enjoy the excellent shopping while you sit around and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Your wives may even like to see some of the free shows.
Hope to meet and see you in Vegas.
Gene Wamsley
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