969 ST. RT. 28 LOT 6
MILFORD, OH 45150-5902
PHONE (513) 248-4026
Dear Shipmate:
We are working hard to locate crew members of the USS Preble, All Hull numbers - DD-345, DM-20, DLG-15, DDG-46 and embarked staff as we can . It is slow going after so many years have passed us by, but each one we locate is a real treasure to us. Our most recent Preble Reunion was held in San Diego 9 - 12 October 2003. All had a great time.
Our next reunion is scheduled for Las Vegas, Nevada in 2005. Watch our Newsletter, Preble ?YELL? for details.
Newsletter about San Diego should be out after first of year as to not interfere with upcoming holidays.
The Web Site and Data Base are separate entities. The Web Site is open to public , The Data Base is a private record of Reunion Membership and can only be accessed by myself and Editor of Preble ?YELL? , Information about Friends / Shipmates is available to membership upon requests to one of us .
It was voted upon by Reunion Attendees in 1995 to have dues of $10.00 per calendar year to offset admin expenses. Send to letterhead address.
Be sure to include an e mail address if you have ONE.
Future newsletters will be sent electronically.
Please keep your Email and snail mail address current to GENE WAMSLEY
Editor Newsletter Preble ?YELL? SANDRA (SAM) and TERRY SIEGFRIED >
If you do not know PREBLE has a WEB SITE < > WEBMASTER TOM BATEMAN
Since the Reunion Association uses the WEB SITE to post information for members and nonmembers? part of your dues goes to support the Site. This Web Site is important to us because one day all Reunion Information will be posted there and not sent to each person electronically. Shipmates without Email will still receive ?YELL? by regular mail. This information will be put out so no one misses it.
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